Saturday, January 6, 2007

Differential Diagnosis and PDF Search

On Friday (1/5/07) we released another set of features for the Yottalook search - differential diagnosis (DDx) and PDF. The DDx option gives user capability to quickly look for differential diagnosis for the term they are searching. For example, if you search for "cystic bone lesion" with DDx checked, you will see results that discuss differential diagnosis for the finding of cystic bone lesion. Similarly you can search for differential diagnosis for a disease entity, such as "IPMT" (intraductal papillary mucinous tumor) you will see results that discuss differential diagnosis for the disease IPMT.
Lot of times I know the article I need and I prefer to look at how it was printed in the publication - i.e., PDF format. But it takes too many steps to find it on the journal websites. For this workflow, we have created the "PDF" option. When checked, the query only returns links directly to the PDF of the articles. If you or your institution subscribes to the journal in the result, you can download and save the PDF with one click.
Both these options discussed above were designed for the reference portion of the search engine. You can do the same query for image section, but you may not see the correct results.
Try these features out and give us feedback.

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